Removing barriers for people with sight loss - Santen UK works with RNIB

Santen UK have been working closely with the Royal National Institute of Blind People (RNIB), a UK charity offering information, support, and advice to almost two million people in the UK with sight loss.
Two key projects align around a shared desire to change our world so there are no barriers to people with sight loss.
The first, the Eye Care Support Pathway, is driven by the RNIB vision to change the way people experience eye care services across the UK, creating change which leads to better outcomes for patients. As a partner to the pathway, Santen attended the launch and is identifying opportunities to support its implementation. The first of these will be the presence of the RNIB at the Santen ONE meeting where the pathway will be launched (in March 2024) and discussed with Optometrists and Ophthalmic nurses - those at the forefront of patient care.
The second, Visibly Better aligned with our goal, to develop ourselves to become a leading employer, demonstrating our understanding, compassion, and inclusivity for eye care patients. We worked with the RNIB to gain their highly regarded Visibly Better certification for employers. Santen UK is now proud to claim we are not just a great place to work, but we are also an employer that meets the highest standards of caring for employees with challenges to their vision. This is strongly linked with our core values as stated by Craig Wallace, General Manager, UK and Ireland:
“I hope we can set a new standard that other companies will in time want to emulate as we work to create happiness for patients with eye diseases across the UK and Ireland."
The over-arching ambition for the Eye Care Support Pathway is that from the moment someone realises that ‘something isn’t quite right’ with their sight, through to diagnosis and being able to live confidently – and independently – with their condition, they have access to the information, and support they need. Patients should be able to actively participate and take control of their eye care journey.
For more information about the eye care support pathway, read the full report here.
Job Code: NP-SANTEN-UK-0116 Date of Preparation: January 2024